!!What to get started with

The software deliverables from the AMSeT project were the AMSeT Workflow Toolkit, a set of sample, atomic Alfresco workflows, a Guanxi Shibboleth security interface for Alfresco, an Alfresco SWORD interface, and an Alfresco SWORD Blackboard Building Block.\\

!!!1. Getting started with the AMSeT Workflow Toolkit

1.1  Read the [AMSeT Workflow Toolkit Developer Guide|Documentation].\\

1.2 Install GlassFishESB\\

Note that the Mac OSX GlassFishESB/JBI development environment needs some special setting up: see [JBI/MacOSX|http://blogs.sun.com/sambas/entry/mac_osx_how_to_set].  All AMSeT BPEL projects were developed on Windows XP.\\


The __full install__ of GlassFishESB 2.1 includes NetBeans 6.5.1, GlassFish 2.1 enterprise server and the OpenESB components.\\

The __components only __ download requires an existing Glassfish 2.1 and NetBeans 6.5.1.\\

The full install is recommended - it's quick and painless.  If you have other installations of GlassFish or NetBeans on your machine, there is no need to worry about the different installations interfering with each other.  At any one time I can have about 5 different releases of NetBeans and 6 GlassFish on my machine with no issues. The only thing to watch is trying to run more than one server at a time which will result in port-already-in-use errors unless you change the configuration.\\

From the GlassFishESB site, the Java requirements are:


Prerequisities: a Sun JDK: version 1.5.0_14 or later for JDK 5, or version 1.6.0_10 or later for JDK 6.

Note: avoid JDK 1.6.0_13 and 1.6.0_14 due to some incompatibilities with several of the design time 



Refer to the GlassFishESB site for installation details, but it is essentially double-click the installation file and watch it go.  You will be asked to supply initial username, password and port numbers for the GlassFish server.

1.3 Install and start MySQL 5 on the machine on which Alfresco will be running.  

1.4.  Install Alfresco Community Edition 3.2.

The simplest option is to use the ''alfresco-community-tomcat'' download which includes its own Tomcat servlet engine, [Alfresco SourceForge Files|http://sourceforge.net/projects/alfresco/files].  If MySQL is running, then this will install all dependencies.  Under the installation folder there are {{alf_start}} and {{alf_stop}} {{bat}} or {{sh}} files to start Tomcat/Alfresco.//

1.5 Use the NetBeans Subversion client to check out the AMSeT Workflow Toolkit from the AMSeT SourceForge site at [https://amset.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/amset|https://amset.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/amset] and create a NetBeans project.

1.6 Change the Alfresco endpoints in the Alfresco WSDLs in the toolkit project to point to your Alfresco installation.

1.7  Download [wsmonitor|https://wsmonitor.dev.java.net/] and edit the configuration file to point to your Alfresco installation. Start wsmonitor (see [AMSeT wsmonitor blog entry|http://www.agbooth.com/AMSeTBlog/www.socketelf.org_8080/roller/amset/entry/wsmonitor]).

1.8 View the [AMSeT Workflow Toolkit demonstration|Documentation]. This screencast shows how to create, run and test a workflow.

!!!2. Getting started with the atomic workflows

The software requirements are the same as for the toolkit above.  (Alfresco Labs 3 Final was the latest version available when the development started and this was used in the project for the atomics.  However, Alfresco Community 3.2 is the latest version and this should be used.  The toolkit was developed on this.)

The sample workflows can be downloaded from the AMSeT SourceForge site.  A screencast is provided on the [Documentation|Documentation] page which describes how to use the samples.

!!!3. Getting started with the Alfresco Guanxi Shibboleth interface

The [blog article|http://www.agbooth.com/AMSeTBlog/www.socketelf.org_8080/roller/amset/category/Guanxi.html] provides full instructions on how to implement Guanxi Shibboleth security on an Alfresco installation.

!!!4. Getting started with the Alfresco SWORD interface

!!!5. Getting started with the Alfresco SWORD Blackboard Building Block

See the [demo|Documentation/index-bb-sword.html].