The AMSeT Project Blog

Wednesday Sep 02, 2009

Atomic Workflows on the Bus

Using NetBeans BPEL Designer and GlassFishESB, a set of atomic workflows for the Alfresco content management system has been created, see the amsetwiki. There are 27 at the moment and the final number will probably reach around the 40 mark.

Technical documentation is available on the wiki and the projects will be ferried across to the AMSeT SourceForge repository.

Now, workflows are not usually referred to as atomic, being conceptually rather the opposite. However, these workflows in the context of Alfresco can be looked at as simple, synchronous operations involving users, groups, folders and permissions from which more extensive workflows can be created, both synchronous and asynchronous.

Some examples of these molecular workflows will be provided.

Saturday Apr 11, 2009


This is a technical blog to accompany the JISC Alfresco Management and Security Toolkit (AMSeT) project which is funded under the Repositories: Rapid Innovation strand of the 12/08 JISC Information Environment and e-Research call.

The principal aims of the project are to produce a set of educational Web service workflows, a JISC Guanxi Shibboleth Service Provider and a JISC SWORD interface for the Alfresco content management system. A BlackBoard Building Block will also be produced for the SWORD client.

The project will run from 1 April 2009 until 30 September 2009.

The project Web site is located at http://www.agbooth-DOT-com/AMSeTWiki/

The Project Team


Professor Andrew G. Booth,
Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology,
Faculty of Biological Sciences,
University of Leeds,
Leeds LS2 9JT



Dr Brian P. Clark,
Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology,
Faculty of Biological Sciences,
University of Leeds,
Leeds LS2 9JT



