
3 August 2006. JISC ELF Toolkit Kiss and Tell Event: [flier1(pdf, 167 KB), flier2 (pdf, 174 KB]

5 September 2006. ALT-C 2006

Booth and Clark presented a research paper at ALT-C 2006: The WAFFLE bus: a model for a service-oriented learning architecture.

SOCKET is discussed in the paper which was published in the booklet: ALT-C 2006: the next generation, 13th International Conference, 5-7 September, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Research Proceedings, pp 172-181.

A powerpoint presentation accompanying the short talk at the conference is available at the ALT-C site.

A WAFFLE bus update (pdf, 174 KB) was also circulated which summarised the most recent design.


  1. The Rose Consumer Factory

Page last modified 03 October 2006